Acupuncture for Sleep Disorders

image of aida acupuncture treatment bed, treating sleep disorders

Examples of Conditions Treated:

Insomnia (struggling to get to sleep and waking in the night)

Sleep Apnea + Snoring

Restless Legs Syndrome


Poor sleep has an incredible negative impact on your day to day life and for those that suffer it can be intolerable. Acupuncture is a holistic and natural alternative to medication and can be beneficial for treating sleep disorders by:

Regulating the Circadian Rhythm: Acupuncture aims to balance the body's energy, or qi, which can help regulate the circadian rhythm. This helps regulate sleep-wake cycles and improves overall sleep quality.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety: Many sleep disorders can be linked to stress and anxiety. Acupuncture helps reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Addressing Underlying Health Issues: By treating issues such as chronic pain, digestive problems, or hormonal imbalances, acupuncture can improve overall health and lead to better sleep.

Enhancing Relaxation and Sleep Quality: Acupuncture sessions are often accompanied by a deep sense of relaxation. This relaxation response can carry over into improved sleep quality for individuals struggling with sleep disorders.

Lifestyle Advice: Treatment with a qualified acupuncture practitioner allows you to discuss your current lifestyle and anything that could be impacting your ability to sleep well. TCM advice on lifestyle often is able to isolate behaviours and emotions that affect your sleep quality