Acupuncture for Chronic Health Conditions

image of aida acupuncture treatment room, acupuncture for chronic health conditions

Examples of Conditions Treated:

Chronic Fatigue / ME

Chronic Pain + Fibromyalgia


Allergies and Asthma

Neurological Disorders

Autoimmune Disorders

Living with a chronic illness can be extremely difficult, especially those which Western Medicine has little advice for treatment. Acupuncture has proven to be an invaluable and time-tested tool in effectively managing a diverse array of chronic health conditions that greatly impact individuals' daily lives. Benefits include:

Alleviating Chronic Pain: Its effectiveness in alleviating chronic pain associated with conditions such as neuropathic pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines has been well-documented, providing much-needed relief to those enduring persistent discomfort.

Boosting Energy + Supporting Immune System: Acupuncture boosts energy and clears stagnation. It also supports the immune system, helping to prevent flare ups associated with prolonged health issues

Supporting Neurological Function: enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation in the nervous system and supporting nerve function

Stress Reduction: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate chronic health conditions and cause flare-ups. Acupuncture's ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress hormones

Supporting Conventional Treatments: Acupuncture can complement conventional treatments such as medication and physical therapy. It may also help minimise medication side effects and enhance overall treatment outcomes.

As with any health condition, it is important to consult with your GP to ensure treatment is appropriate for you.